Start-Up Fees & Costs

There are generally four areas of costs for starting a CSB Unit:

    • CSB Registration Fees
    • One-Time Program Supplies
    • One-Time Personal Supplies for Boys and Leaders
    • On-Going Program Supplies

These costs can vary a great deal depending on the extent of the program being planned. Talking with your CSB Regional Director can help determine where costs can be minimized and where expense can be highly beneficial. This page tries to identify your options for each program – Tree Climbers, Stockade and Battalion.

Because CSB’s costs can change sooner than the national website is updated, this page will also direct you to our secondary website


For the First Year, Christian Service Brigade Canada reduces the annual Registration Fee to just $50. This will help offset other Start-Up Costs, which are listed below for each CSB Program.


CSB leaders must be “certified” within a reasonable length of time of joining CSB. It is also recommended that leaders refresh their certification every five years. This happens through CSB’s Basic Leadership Training (BLT) Course.

The BLT Course is taught in a small group environment, or on Zoom, led by one of CSB’s Staff. It usually takes a little over 2 hours. Your Regional Director will contact you about training opportunities in your area as they happen. You can also schedule your own.

The primary leadership training resource for leaders is “Building Men – Leading with Integrity and Skill”. It’s cost is $9.99 from the CSB Warehouse. But this cost is reduced to $5.00 when the book is purchased during the BLT.

Tree Climber Costs

Tree Climbers (including Tadpoles) has many resources available. These include:
  • Discovery and Odyssey Leader’s Guides $17.95 (Two available; each covers 36 Meetings, for a total of 72 Meetings – 3 years.)
  • Discovery and Odyssey Activity Packets $9.85 per boy (One needed per boy per Leader’s Guide – 36 Meetings; one and a half years)
Uniform Costs:
Leader or Dad t-shirt (one-time cost) $12.95
Leader or Dad polo shirt (alternate one-time cost) $12.95
Leader Hat (optional cost) $12.30
Tree Climber T-Shirt (one-time cost) $14.95
Tree Climber Hat (optional cost) $12.30

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Stockade Costs

Stockade has many resources available. These include:
  • Welcome to Stockade Booklet $3.25 (one is needed for each leader and boy). These are designed specifically for new boys joining Stockade. Have a few on hand to give to 2nd time visitors).
  • For Leaders, Builder or Sentinel Trail Guide $12.00 (corresponding to the Post with which they are working.) There are FOUR Trail Guides and they can used multiple years by the Ranger as a reference guide to help him with his Post’s Achievement Progress.
  • Stockade Module Outpost Adventure (OA) $2.99 (four modules are typically needed for the year). One module is needed for each boy.
  • Stockade Module Leader’s Guide $7.15 (an average of four per year are typically needed.) You will need at least ONE per Post. It may be helpful to have a few extras on hand as well. These can be used on a four-year rotating basis.
Uniform Costs:
Leader Uniform Shirt (one-time cost) $25.95
Leader Lolo Shirt (alternate one-time cost) $18.95
Leader T-Shirt (alternate one-time cost) $13.95
Stockade Boy Uniform Shirt $33.25
Stockade Boy T-Shirt (alternate one-time cost) $14.95
Several additional resources are available including patches, service star pins, insignia, and unit number pages. Each are priced nominally. Please visit our online shop to order what you need for your Unit.

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Battalion Costs

Battalion has many resources available. These include:

  • Observer Booklet $7.55 One is needed per young man. Give to the repeat visitor as an introduction to Battalion.
  • Brigadier’s Adventure Trails Guide Book $26.15 Three-year Achievement guide that follows Observer.
  • Brigadier’s Leadership Trails Guide Book $14.95 Three-year Achievement guide that follows Adventure Trails.
  • Leader’s Guides $20.95 These provide 5 to 6 “Activity Patches” of four Meetings each.
  • Mission Leader’s Guide $TBD These Missions provide 4 Meeting plans each.

Uniform Costs:

Leader Uniform shirt (one-time cost) $25.95
Leader polo shirt (alternate one-time cost) $18.95
Leader T-Shirt (alternate one-time cost) $13.95
Young Man’s Battalion Shirt $22.95
Young Man’s Battalion T-Shirt (alternate one-time cost)

Several additional resources are available including patches, service star pins, insignia, and unit number pages. Each are priced nominally. Please visit our online shop to order what you need for your unit.

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