Our Volunteers:
The Called, the Chosen.

Christian Service Brigade of Canada exists because of volunteers. It was volunteers who sat around two kitchen tables on the same day in opposite sides of the country back in 1942 who established CSB in our nation. It was volunteers who heard the Call of God to step up into ministry to win and train the boys and young men in their churches and communities from coast to coast. It is volunteers who learned to serve God through CSB and moved into ministry for the Lord and onto our Staff and onto our Board. They are far more than volunteers – they are the Called of God, those who God has chosen for the purpose of building His Kingdom.
CSB Canada has been blessed through the dedicated efforts of our many volunteers. Like many non-profits, we would not be able to do what we do without their commitment. They are like a flock of geese, flying in formation and working together to tackle the strongest headwinds of today’s challenging world.
We are deeply blessed by all those who give of themselves for the Work of the Lord through Christian Service Brigade.

How to Get Involved
CSB Canada has plenty of opportunities for people to get involved.
- Men are invited to get involved as local Brigade leaders and as adult helpers working directly with the boys and young men.
- Local leaders are invited to step it up and get involved with Area and Regional Committees which work to coordinate the efforts of the local Units.
- Area and Regional Committee members are invited to expand their involvement as CSB Staff Associates. These are volunteers who serve alongside the Regional Director, raising personal support, if or when necessary.
- We are also looking for occasional help with office mailouts in Windsor and Coquitlam. Our Saskatoon, Winnipeg, and Orillia offices can use some volunteer help every now and then.
- Proofreaders are needed for our new resource development in Saskatoon and Coquitlam.
- Women are currently being recruited to serve on the Girls Alive Revision Team.
- We are also considering ways to deliever CSB online to people in remote locations.
There are many more ways to volunteer with CSB. Please click on the CONTACT CSB CANADA button to contact our Head Office or President to see how you can fulfill God’s calling through CSB. Thanks.
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