STOCKADE… Men Reaching Boys
Boys 8 to 11 (Grades 3 to 6)
Boys discover truths about God and His world in an exciting and fun-filled environment. Friendships are built with their peers and godly men.

Christian Service Brigade | Canada provides the Stockade program to help men of church engage in the mentoring and development of boys. Stockade provides age-targeted discipleship materials and leadership resources for action-based group meetings.
Structured to fit the life of an active boy, Stockade uses group meetings providing boys with action-packed games and interactive shoulder-to-shoulder learning on interesting topics and biblical and contemporary stories. An achievement model of discipleship is used. Men of the church help mentor boys, providing personal attention to help focus on each boy’s unique needs and to influence him in his formative years.
Stockade helps boys apply their faith to the world in which they live today. Boys begin to understand that God has created them for a unique purpose. They grow in their appreciation and love for God, for themselves, as well as how to relate well with others.
Typical Stockade Meeting:
6:50 Post Check-in 20 minutes
7:10 “Build the Stockade” 5 minutes
7:15 Games and Contests 25 minutes
7:40 Post Meeting 20 minutes
8:10 Stockade Honours 5 minutes
8:15 Story Circle 15 minutes
8:30 Dismissal/Leaders’ Huddle 10 minutes

Stockade is SMALL and LARGE Groups
Stockade brings men and boys together with their peers in groups ranging from small to large. Boys enjoy time with their peers while being mentored and led by men of the church…men who model what it means to be a godly man. Boys learn over time to become the men that God means for them to be.

Stockade uses an exciting Achievement Model of engaging Stockade Modules
Stockade provides age-appropriate materials that provide an Achievement model of development and discipleship. Stockade Modules, with Outpost Adventures booklets for the boys, and Leader’s Guides for the men, offer a variety of topics and interests to the group. Each Module incorporates fun and engaging learning activities. Biblical principles are inter-woven throughout each one. As the boy complete a Module, he gains a sense of achievement and accomplishment. Patches for each Module are awarded and can be sewn on to the boy’s Stockade uniforms (optionally provided and used).
To see more about how Stockade works, please click on the “Stockade on” button. It will take you to our other website, where our focus is on Leadership Skills, Training and Events. (This site is under continual development.)
Stockade Builds upon the Tree Climber Experience
Stockade builds on the good spiritual habits the boy experienced in Tree Climbers. I Stockade, the boys learns to apply his faith to the world in which he lives. Patterned after Jesus’s experience found in Luke 2:52, this leads the boy to increasing spiritual maturity.

Battalion is the Next Step
The Stockade boy moves on to Battalion where he continues on the road to maturity. There, the Seven Points of Valour guide his journey in becoming a godly man.
“The men of the church will have to get deeply involved in order for boys to become men through watching and emulating them.”
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