Leadership Development
CSB Canada believes very strongly in Leadership Development and Certification, and so we offer all the training and encouragement that every leader needs in every region of Canada.
As a church moves into a partnership with CSB Canada in reaching boys and young men for Jesus Christ, certain men are called to serve as leaders. They will be choosing to get involved in an AWESOME journey of service, of personal commitment, of discipleship growth. All leaders should expect to be used by God in ways that they never imagined possible! And, they won’t have to be perfect… it’s amazing what God can do with “ordinary guys” who are dedicated to Christ and are willing to invest themselves, their time and resources in the lives of young men and boys.
Leader Development begins with the Basic Leadership Training (BLT) course, which can be done individually or in a group. Upon completion of this course, the successful candidate receives a certification number, certificate and shoulder patch.

The next stage is to learn the many skills of leadership through CSB’s Advanced Leadership Training (ALT) courses. These are usually conducted in a group setting, but are now being developed for Zoom and individual study, as well. Training Stars are awarded as six courses are completed. This is usually done over several years.

Finally, the highest achievement for the CSB leader is to earn the Herald of Christ for Leaders. It is an intense study of God’s Word, verse memorization, Biblical doctrine, prayer, Christian discovery and application. There is nothing like it. It is typically accomplish over several years.
“There is no greater call that we can answer than to be the instrument God uses to unlock a young person’s potential.”
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