Contact our President
Contact our Head Office
Att: Gord Banman
48 Cloverwood Road,
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3Y 1R4
1.877.272.3066 (select 2)
A distinctive feature of Christian Service Brigade is its locally-based Regional Directors. Each one is experienced and equipped to respond quickly to your inquiries.
Select the Regional Director for your Region, and click on his email address. He will be pleased to hear from you.
If you don’t see a Director near you, then please contact our Canadian Head Office.
Ken (Linda) McKenna
Staff Associate
Region: Atlantic (Assisting Howard Pike)
1.877.272.3066 (select 5)
Direct: TBA
E-mail: TBA
Ron Carnahan
Regional Director
Region: Ontario, Western Quebec
1.877.272.3066 (select 3)
Direct: 705.238.9855 C
705.325.2554 H
Gord Banman
Regional Director, Warehouse Manager
Region: Prairies (with Steven A)
1.877.272.3066 (select 2)
Direct: 204.771.1778
Steven Alder
Staff Associate
Region: Prairies (Assisting Gord Banman)
1.877.272.3066 (select 3)
Direct: TBA
E-mail: TBA
Dr Steve Grove
Regional Director
Howard Pike
Regional Director, President
Region: Alberta, British Columbia
1.877.272.3066 (select 5)
Direct: 604.936.8397
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