I’m interested in BUILDING GOD’S KINGDOM through CSB.

I want to support the Lord’s Work to boys, men and churches.
Prayer and financial support, encouragement and gifts of time are a big way that donors can impact the boys and young men, as well as their leaders, through CSB. They impact families and churches, too. It builds the Kingdom of God. Thank you for your part in this Work.
Christian Service Brigade is a wholly-independent, registered charity in Canada. CSB is supported through the generous gifts of those who share in its calling to Win and Train Boys for Christ, and to Build Godly Men of Today and Tomorrow.

Ways to Give to CSB

Gideon’s Men: Another Opportunity
Several years ago, CSB was inspired through God’s Word to invite donors to join Gideon’s Men – a group of dedicated people who give $30 a month towards the growing of CSB in Canada.
There is a battle raging today against our boys and young men. The enemy is fighting to keep them distracted, to prevent them from becoming all God intends them to be: mighty men of God.
Today we stand firm with a renewed call to the ministry of Winning and Training Boys for Christ.
Thank you for your prayers, encouragement, time and financial support. CSB can’t do it without you. Please keep us accountible. Connect with your local Brigade Unit. Talk to local leaders. Find our how things are going with our CSB Canada Staff.
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