Tree Climbers… Boys ages 4 to 7 (Pre-K to Grade 2)

Tree Climbers builds relationships between men and their boys.
Tree Climbers
Boys need their dads and other trusted men who will build Christ-centred relationships with them and impact their lives for God.
Tree Climbers (ages 4-7) is designed to help build relationships and memories between fathers and sons, men and boys. It also begins the boy on his journey to manhood by encouraging simple spiritual habits, such as prayer, Bible reading and Bible memorization. But most of all, Tree Climbers is FUN, active and boy-building.
Tree Climbers is just the beginning of a boy’s discipleship path where godly men invest in a boy as he journeys from boyhood to manhood.

Christian Service Brigade | Canada helps men spend quality time with their boys through Tree Climbers for boys 4 to 8 years old. This church-based program offer dads and men a weekly opportunity to spend time with their boys and helps them to build relationships with each other and with the Lord.
While the program builds strong bonds between fathers and sons, they also provides opportunity for the fatherless boy or boys with absent dads, too. Uncles, grandads, guardians, and men of the church are encouraged to build Christ-centred relationships with the boys. Tree Climbers allows men to learn together with other men in the raising of their sons.

The Typical Meeting:
6:30 Pre-Meeting Activities 15 minutes
6:45 Woody’s Welcome 10 minutes
6:55 Woody’s Games 15 minutes
7:10 Fun To Do 25 minutes
7:35 Woody’s Checkup 15 minutes
7:50 Woody’s Stretch 10 minutes
8:00 Tree Climber Circle 15 minutes
8:15 Dismissal/Leaders’ Huddle 10 minutes

Tree Climbers provides fun activities.
Games, projects, and stories form the core of each weekly meeting, all of which is tied to a Biblical Theme. Each week, men and boys go on an adventure together to explore and discover the beauty and wonder that is God’s creation.

To see more about how Tree Climbers works, please click on the “Tree Climbers on” button. It will take you to our other website, where our focus is on Leadership Skills, Training and Events. (This site is under continual development.)
Tree Climbers helps with Learning Spiritual Habits.
Dads and sons develop the spiritual habits of Prayer, Bible reading, and fellowship. These Christian living habits with serve them both throughout their lifetimes. Tree Climbers equips men with the tools to instill God’s Word into a young boy’s heart.
Tree Climbers is the First Step.
Tree Climbers is just the beginning of a 14-year discipleship track where godly men invest in a boy as he journeys from boyhood to manhood. Tree Climbers is the beginning of a boy’s life-long journey of following Christ.
As time progresses, dad’s are invited to continue in his son’s discipleship journey when he transitions into our Stockade program and beyond.

“Christian Service Brigade had a huge impact on my life. The relationships and mentoring from Godly men were crucial in my spiritual growth. The achievement-oriented program helped me to develop a self-discipline that continues to influence me today […] The ministry / leadership tools I use today are a direct result of the skills I developed in the Brigade program.”
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