BATTALION… Where Leadership is Learned

Young Men age 12 to 18 (Grades 7 to 12)

Battalion is men helping like this to help equip a young man for godly living

Equipping Godly Men

Through Battalion, young men discover truths about God and His world in an exciting and fun-filled environment. Friendships are built with their peers and godly mentors.

Battalion is men equipping young men
Discipleship for Tree Climber Boys wearing t-shirts
Discipleship for Tree Climber Boys wearing t-shirts
Discipleship for Tree Climber Boys wearing t-shirts
Discipleship for Tree Climber Boys wearing t-shirts
Battalion is for boys Grade 7 through age 18.
Battalion’s (age 12-18) purpose is to prepare a young man to live in a way pleasing to God. The Seven Points of VALOUR help describe the discipleship outcomes for the young man and set the standard of what biblical manhood looks like.

Battalion’s purpose is to prepare a young man to live in a way pleasing to God.  It is where men of the church come together to help equip and challenge young men (age 12-18) to become all God has meant for them to be.

Through Leadership Training, Service, Personal Achievement and skill-focused activities, young men are mentored, trained, and equipped to stand firm in their faith by the time they graduate high school.

 A young man is grounded in Brigade’s Seven Points of Valor that helps define and set the standard of what a godly man is. Honor. Courage. Chivalry. Purity. Loyalty. Obedience. Dedication.

Battalion is about Men, Young and Old, Taking a Leadership Role

Battalion is where men gather around for the common goal of engaging with, and investing in, the next generation of male youth in the church. Battalion provides godly leaders who use Action and Adventure to speak Biblical Truth into the lives of teenage guys; young men who in turn help to disciple their peers, and who grow in their relationship with God.

Stockade is about groups of boys having fun together while learning to be all God wants them to be
Stockade boys learning using Outpost Adventures

Battalion is Young Men being Challenged

Battalion challenges Young Men to mature through skill-focused activities, Biblical discussion, leadership training, and Personal Achievement. They are encouraged to discover and develop three distinct facets of their identity: the Athlete, the Artist, and the Academic; our Triple A Construct.

Brigade provides resources for the men, young and old, that help them in their leadership journey.

Battalion is about Becoming a Godly Man

Battalion will help prepare a young man to live in a way pleasing to God. He will be able to stand firm in his faith and in society, having learned to apply Brigade’s Seven Points of VALOUR.

The Herald of Christ is the Next Step

The young man continues his Battalion journey in CSB’s Herald of Christ program that will serve as the culmination of his journey through Christian Service Brigade as a boy. Explore the HOC using the button below.


Teaching Tree Climbers and Tadpoles

To see more about how Battalion works, please click on the “Battalion on” button. It will take you to our other website, where our focus is on Leadership Skills, Training and Events. (This site is under continual development.)

Christian Service Brigade had a huge impact on my life. The relationships and mentoring from Godly men were crucial in my spiritual growth. The achievement-oriented program helped me to develop a self-discipline that continues to influence me today […] The ministry / leadership tools I use today are a direct result of the skills I developed in the Brigade program.”

Keith Hadigade, Alumnus, Herald of Christ #C27

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