Start Up Process

Establishing a Work of the Lord

Starting a CSB Unit is easy, but it is far more than you and a few buddies reserving the church basement and expecting the best. You are building a Work of God that will expand into the community; that will expand your church.

CSB knows how hard it is to get a good thing going. There will be opposition, but nothing compared to God’s blessing.

Your Regional Director has resources which will help. The most extensive is the Linked-In Booklet. It covers every detail. But your Staff Man also has a one-page, four-step handout called CSB StartUp 4-Steps. Ask him for it.

Here is an overview of the Linked-In process for Starting a New CSB Unit:

Linked-In helps you establish a strong ministry to boys and young men through a step-by-step process.

1   Prayer

Seek God’s leading as you consider His Call upon you and your congregation.

Ask yourself these questions:

  • Is there a need for this ministry?
  • Is the Lord Jesus Christ calling you to this ministry?
  • Are you seeking His Will for this endeavour?
  • What do you want to get out of this?
  • What is your vision for the group?
  • Who is God calling to help make this happen?

2  Build the Team

You need a partnership of two or three people as you define your ministry. Find a prayer partner or mentor who will help you get things moving in a positive direction. Ask a Pastor to pray with you; you are looking for God’s leading, you are not yet at the point of asking for the Pastor’s blessing, but if you do get it, so much the better. Find other men and women who share your passion and vision for this ministry. There are many Brigade Alumni, even in your own church, who would be glad to talk to you about their experiences. Meet together several times to determine where God is leading you as a group.

3  Present your Proposal to the Church

You will need the blessing and participation of your church, its Board and especially the Pastor(s) – the lead Pastor and the one responsible for the age group you are planning to target. Arm yourself with materials that display the need as you see it, and how Brigade can help meet that need. Get the local CSB Representative to help. Obtain a “Sample Kit” from CSB. Lay out your long term plans and goals, and invite the church to join in.

4  Nail-Down the Details

Once you have permission to start a new unit, determine what evening it will be on, as well as the time, location, and size. Continue to build your leadership team. Create a CSB Committee which will oversee the entire ministry. Involve a Pastor; an Elder or Deacon; someone from the Men’s Group; and the proposed Battalion Captain, Chief Ranger, and/or Tree Climber/Tadpoles Coordinator.

5  Complete the Working Agreement

Send a completed copy of the CSB Working Agreement, signed by the lead Pastor, to CSB Headquarters along with a cheque for the Charter Fee; $50.

6  Promotion

Distribute a letter to parents advising them of this new club ministry. Put up posters – 11×17 colour photocopies cost a dollar or two to print – in strategic areas where the church, neighbourhood and community families will be sure to see them. Be sure to include a contact name and number, some information about the ministry and perhaps the CSB website. Personally talk to families who might be interested.

7  At Church

Include an insert in the bulletin. Let it be an invitation to the family and friends of the targeted boys or young men. Do a special verbal promotion during the Service. Ask your CSB rep if there is a video presentation that might be appropriate. Make up invitations for children to give to their friends.

8  Displays

Have samples of the group’s materials on display – i.e. Achievement Badges and Awards, Individual Achievement Books, Project and Craft Equipment, Flags, Banners, Shirts, etc.

9  Have a Planning Meeting for All the Leaders

Get all the program materials needed to run your ministry and distribute the Leader’s Manuals to your leaders. Gather them together for a Planning Meeting. Consider a theme for the year. Determine your goals for the group, the children, and the leaders. Plan to have a kickoff event, see below. Plan the first month of meetings. Make sure you get the leaders to share the responsibilities for the various parts of the meeting especially the games, and the stories. Remember to have your adult leaders do “police checks”.


10  Make Up a Poster/Display for the Weekly Meeting

Put together a poster, even a display, which can also be used at the regular meetings. It should show the meeting’s schedule, as well as highlight special activities. It may include:

  • Each element of the meeting, along with an explanation; 
  • Names of those responsible for the various parts of the meeting;
  • Details of any announcements; 
  • Space for recording attendance, (separate attendance forms are available from CSB).

11  Have a Special Kickoff/Registration Evening

  • Invite the parents of the kids and the kids themselves.
  • Have name tags, for the leaders for sure, but for everyone may be better.
  • Set up a registration desk with registration forms.
  • Consider showing a promo video- it should last only 10 minutes.
  • Consider having a mock meeting – include all the elements but only lasting for about 20 minutes in total.
  • Introduce all the leaders and their roles.
  • Have someone share about what you are really hoping to see happen – boys and young men won to Christ and helped to grow to become men of God.
  • Mention any policies that may apply.
  • Have a question period to allow parents to get the answers they need.
  • Consider including a snack.
  • Issue an Invitation to “Come Back Next Week for the Real Action” 
  • End with a story and with prayer.

Once this meeting is over do a preliminary assignment of the boys and young men to their respective programs and small groups.

12  Submit your Leaders List

Once you have your first meeting, return the “Leaders List” form to CSB HQ. This will allow them to receive information about national, regional and area events, as well as training.
The Linked-In Booklet uses six detailed steps, complete with helpful checklists. Please contact CSB’s Head Office for a free copy by using the “Get the LINKED-IN Booklet” Form, below.

Get the LINKED-IN Booklet

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