CSB’s Unit Registration is a simple annual process.

Registration Costs and Fees
Christian Service Brigade Canada does its best to try to make annual Unit Registration process as simple and easy as we can.
For the First Year, Christian Service Brigade Canada reduces the annual Registration Fee to just $50. This will help offset other Start-Up Costs, which are listed below for each CSB Program.
Second Year & Beyond
Annual Fees:
STEP 1 – Program Fees
There is a $25.00 per each CSB Program.
Tree Climbers annual fee = $25
Stockade annual fee = $25
Battalion annual fee = $25
STEP 2 – Fees per Boy/Young Man
Number of Boys | Cost |
1 to 10 | $50 |
11 to 20 | $75 |
21 to 30 | $100 |
31 to 40 | $125 |
41 to 50 | $150 |
51 to 60 | $175 |
61 to 70 | $200 |
71 to 80 | $250 |
80+ | $350 |
Leadership training materials are available for leaders at a cost of $14.99 per copy of “Building Men – Leading with Integrity and Skill”.
CSB Canada offers a Basic Training Course for new leaders, taught in a small group environment, or on Zoom, led by one of our CSB Staff. Your Regional Director will contact you about training opportunities in your area.

Tree Climber – Variable Costs
Tree Climbers (including Tadpoles) has additional resources available. These include:
- Leader’s Guides $17.95 (Four available; good for one year)
- Activity Packets $9.85 per boy (good for one year)
Variable Costs:
Leader or Dad t-shirt | $12.95 |
Leader or Dad polo shirt | $12.95 |
Leader Hat | $12.30 |
Tree Climber T-Shirt | $14.95 |
Tree Climber Hat | $12.30 |

Stockade Ministry – Variable Costs
Stockade has additional resources available. These include:
- For Rangers, Trail Guide $12.00 (corresponding to the Post with which they are working.) There are FOUR Trail Guides and they can e sued multiple years by the Ranger as a reference guide to help him with his Post’s Achievement Progress.
- Stockade Module Leader’s Guide $7.15 (an average of four per year are typically needed.) You will need at least ONE per Post. It may be helpful to have a few extras on hand as well. These can be used on a four-year rotating basis.
- Stockade Module Outpost Adventure (OA) $2.99 (four modules are typically needed for the year). One module is needed for each boy.
- Welcome to Stockade Booklet $3.25 (one is needed for each leader and boy). These are designed specifically for new boys joining Stockade. Have a few on hand to give to 2nd time visitors).
Variable Costs:
Ranger Uniform shirt | $25.95 |
Ranger polo shirt | $18.95 |
Ranger T-Shirt | $13.95 |
Stockade Uniform Shirt | $33.25 |
Stockade T-Shirt | $14.95 |
Several additional resources are available including patches, service star pins, insignia, and unit number pages. Each are priced nominally. Please visit our online shop to order what you need for your unit.

Battalion Ministry – Variable Costs
Battalion has additional resources available. These include:
- For Leaders, Trails Book $11.95 for young men he is mentoring. These include Adventure Trails ($11.95) and Leadership Trails ($17.95).
- Leader’s Guide $$19.95 ea. (We also provide downloadable Leader’s Guide that cost $10.00 ea)
- Brigadier: Adventure Trails $11.95 or Leadership Trails ($17.95)
- Observer Booklet $4.95 (one is needed per boy).
Variable Costs:
Leader Uniform shirt | $25.95 |
Leader polo shirt | $18.95 |
Leader T-Shirt | $13.95 |
Battalion Shirt | $22.95 |
Battalion T-Shirt | $13.95 |
Several additional resources are available including patches, service star pins, insignia, and unit number pages. Each are priced nominally. Please visit our online shop to order what you need for your unit.
Helping with Costs
Christian Service Brigade | Canada understands that these costs can be a challenge for some. We’d like you to understand that many of the costs can be passed on to participants, including the boys. Some units encourage the boys to bring “shares” weekly to help pay for supplies, outings, etc. The families can be expected to pay for achievement books and individual outing costs as much as possible. Some even conduct projects or fund-raising activities to help earn the money needed to support their unit.
A church partnered with Brigade may be able to help fund the Brigade ministry in full or in part through the education, outreach or Ministry to Men budget. Also, consider approaching the deacon or outreach teams from your church for financial assistance for ministry to families experiencing financial struggles within the congregation or unchurched, low-income families from your community.
And let’s not forget the power of prayer. Our Lord, the Great Provider, can help you find the resources necessary to help disciple the young boys in your unit.

1000 Stormont Street Ottawa
ON K2C 0M9